New Features Planned for ResourceXpress

We’re always developing new features to help our users improve the productivity of their workspace booking. We also continuously strive to improve the security and performance of the core ResourceXpress application. This article is a sneak preview of some of the developments we’re planning for future versions.

Next from ResourceXpress (Core Application)
ResourceXpress 2024.3 is due to be released in August 2024. A lot of development has been implemented following our regular Penetration Testing Program which was completed in June. We engage independent security experts to regularly test ResourceXpress to identify any security vulnerabilities. All Critical and High category issues identified have been addressed and successfully re-tested for compliance. Critical issues have been addressed with hot fixes and a small number of ongoing lower category issues will be considered in future editions of the application.

In addition to the above, more work on user interface improvements has been carried out. Customizable workplace icons and various changes to the RX API have been implemented in the RX Administration console to support the release of the RX Outlook Office App. Some more improvements to the Qubi interface and device report will also be included in this version. An improvement to the user management in ResourceXpress will now allow bulk deletion of users.

For more information about what’s next for the RX Mobile App, RX Outlook Office App and our longer term plans, use the following link: Check out the full details of What’s Next for ResourceXpress in our online guide

Have We Missed Anything?

We’d love to hear your feedback and we really value customers opinion. What would you want to see in future releases of ResourceXpress?  Send your feedback to: [email protected] or use our simple online contact form

About ResourceXpress

ResourceXpress is a meeting room and desk booking system that helps you book any workspace more efficiently via a centralized application. Because it’s scalable, secure, and flexible, it future proofs your investment by linking to a wide range of standard calendaring and scheduling solutions and third-party advanced booking applications.

Next from ResourceXpress