QED Advanced Systems Limited and Resourcexpress Inc are pleased to announce the release of RX SaaS 1.8 for our users. In this latest release there are more features aimed at helping organisations return to work safely. Help reduce risks of cross infection and promote social distancing policies with RX V1.8. Highlights include:

Booking Workspaces

Setup & clear-down times can now be added to resources by space type. This is a return to work safely feature allowing for cleaning or layout changes between bookings. Also, a new authenticated check-out option has been added for the facilities team to confirm completion of the clear-down process.


Facilities work schedule reports are now available. This utilizes the setup & cleardown times to indicate which resources require attention by the facility team. Any overlaps that occur due to conflicts with existing bookings are clearly highlighted in the report. If it affects the current working day events email notifications are sent out.

Qubi, Kiosk & Maps

A Last occupied or Last cleaned message is shown in Qubi, Kiosk and Maps. This lets users know when resources were last used and last cleaned. It can be extremely useful to ensure that only safe workspaces are available to be booked.

There are many more improvements and bug fixes included in this latest release of RX SaaS but for full details click on this link to view full details of the release notes

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For more information about how ResourceXpress can help organizations return to work safely and reduce risks of cross infection to combat Covid-19, read our article on getting back to work.

If you would like to find out more about RX SaaS, why not fill out our quick enquiry form or jump to our RX SaaS information page on our web site. Keep looking out for more developments from ResouceXpress by signing up to our newsletter.

reducing risks of cross infection