Save Space – Stay Safe
Effective management of hot desks and office hoteling areas is now more vital than ever. Reducing the number of fixed desks can have a major impact on profitability but for service users the flexibility can lessen the risk of cross infection in the workplace and lead to improved job satisfaction. The Covid-19 pandemic has reinforced the need for clear workspace status indication and better space management to promote social distancing and reduce risks in the workplace. ResourceXpress has an armoury of smart ideas to help you manage this changing culture and environment.
- Fully managed desk workspaces provide a safer, more efficient working environment
- Flexible working is becoming the norm – take full advantage of the opportunity
- Reduction of the office floor footprint saves money, increases profitability and is more environmentally friendly
- Help preserve social distancing policies and keep everyone safe with auto ring fencing
- Touchless, authenticated booking promotes safer working and facilitates contact tracing
- Auto scheduling of clean down periods after use is a must!
- Use temporary and permanently assigned workspaces alongside bookable desks for a dynamic office floor
- Empower your workforce with the RX Mobile desk management app
- Use office floor maps for wayfinding and booking functions
- Last occupied/last cleaned information on desk devices protects service users
- Clear desk status indication at point of use removes confusion and increases productivity
device options such as the TD0350 or Qubi3, we have a solution to make your office more efficient and safe. More information on ResourceXpress workspace licences can be found on our web site.Get in touch now to find out more.
More information on the new RX Mobile App can be found on our web site.
Download our Covid-19 response document here
More general information on Covid-19 is available from the World Health Organization