Meeting room booking systems

Meeting Room Booking Systems

Room reservation systems facilitate improved dialogue and boost efficiency. These spaces are central for discussions, innovation, strategic planning, and handling emergencies. They serve as the primary hub for critical decisions made by companies and are noticeable across the organization. They are also seen by clients and vendors, influencing the company’s reputation positively or negatively. It’s crucial to choose a room reservation system that preserves and elevates the company’s image for all its users. The goal is to ensure the system mirrors the company’s values, focusing on ease, functionality, and efficiency. A complicated system that favors the image of the reservation system providers at the expense of the company’s and one that is not user-friendly can harm the company’s reputation, lead to lower productivity, and increase costs for office space. Offering wide access to room reservations from any device, such as a desktop, kiosks, or mobile applications, enhances the efficiency of a room reservation system. Connecting with common calendar and scheduling tools also streamlines the booking and utilization of meeting rooms. Whether you have five or five hundred meeting rooms, it’s essential that employees can easily access these vital resources when needed.

Whether you use MS Office365/Exchange, Google or a third-party advanced booking system, a real-time integration will make it easier for service users to effectively manage their resource booking and meeting activities.

More information about meeting room booking systems can be found on our Youtube channel

Important Features

Meeting room booking systems
Workspace Booking Hardware

Top 10 Tips for a Successful Meeting Room Booking System

  • Integrate with central calendaring and scheduling systems

  • Have several strategies to reduce no show or ghost meetings

  • Facilitate spontaneous meeting room bookings (not every meeting can be planned weeks in advance!)

  • Ensure regular reporting and analytics of system usage is acted on

  • Choose a system that is flexible enough to fit your business needs, don’t modify your business needs to fit the system on offer

  • Get workforce buy in to the cultural change required

  • Future proof your investment – make sure you have multiple upgrade paths

  • Your meeting room booking system must be able to fully reflect your corporate identity, not that of the supplier

  • SSO and RFID card authentication will help to make your system as easy as possible to use

  • Point of use equipment fault reporting will help ensure facilities are kept in fully working order

Do I Need Meeting Room Screens?

In short, you don’t need meeting room screens to deploy an entry level meeting room booking system. You could deploy a software only solution, that will provide a basic level of improved resource usage and better productivity.

What you won’t get is point of use status indication, point of use authentication, booking, check in/out, extend, kiosk facilities from the room screen and improved corporate image. If you do choose to mount interactive devices outside meeting rooms then there are a range of options to suit all budgets.

One idea is to utilize Qubi3 devices outside meeting rooms with ResourceXpress huddlespace software. This provides most of the functionality that a meeting room screen provides at a fraction of the cost.

Another strategy is to deploy a mix of devices and software solutions to manage your meeting room booking system. You could deploy meeting room screens with very visible corporate branding to all the higher profile meeting rooms and use Qubi3’s or a kiosk based solution for the other meeting rooms. Make sure the meeting room booking system you select is capable of being flexible enough to deliver a multi-tiered solution.

Meeting room booking systems

Getting the Best Return on your Investment

ResourceXpress Meeting Room Booking Systems

Authentication Types

Making sure service users who book a meeting room actually use that resource fully is essential to the productivity of the meeting room booking system. One of the best ways to achieve this is by enforcing of policy of auto cancellation when a booking is not checked into at the point of use.


Your meeting room booking system should be able to connect with a wide range of leading calendar and scheduling applications (MS Exchange, MS 365, Google). This ensures you have the flexibility to change in the future if your corporate strategy changes. If you also have the ability to connect to multiple booking systems at the same time, then this provides the ultimate flexibility.

The ability to have a mix of “local only” bookable resources and those that can be booked from your preferred calendar and scheduling system lowers deployment and maintenance costs.

ResourceXpress has the additional capability to connect to a range of “Advanced Booking Systems”. This means you can deploy the core device management functionality of ResourceXpress and enjoy additional functionality of visitor management, catering etc, right up to a fully Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS).

The key point (as always) is to ensure you have as much flexibility as you can so that you’re not restricted in the future to any one system or hardware provider.

Foyes with access to meeting rooms
benefits of using ResourceXpress


Your meeting room booking system should make it easier to find and book resources and locate colleagues.

Don’t over specify your system requirements to suit what a solution’s functionality can offer! Fully integrated meeting room bookings systems with advanced functionality can be great but maybe your biggest return on investment is to simply optimize your room booking and lower real estate overheads.

A specialist application that delivers this core functionality may be a wiser business decision. It must be flexible enough to reflect your corporate identity and specific business needs.

Don’t change your business practices to suit a system’s shortcomings. Don’t get locked into single source hardware systems.

When hardware ages and requires replacement you need to have choices. If not, you may be stuck into paying the price the supplier wants to charge for their proprietary hardware.


Please get in touch if you would like a free trial, demo or just more information.